1-Year Single Membership - Return your key
1-Year Single Membership - New key
1-Year Family Membership - Return your key
1-Year Family Membership - New key
Memberships must be picked up locally and mailed/delivered, or you can print out the form and mail it in.
If you would like more information about this change or have a complaint, please email us.
January 19, 2025
Notice of AGM:
The AGM will be held at 6:30 PM at the Hub Gym on February 25, 2025 in Ashcroft BC, at 711 Hill Street. Please ensure you have a current voting membership and come out to participate in the nomination and voting for the Directors of the club.
January 19, 2025
Angela Taylor was the winner of the CZ 457 .22 Cal bolt action rifle for the 2024 year as the volunteer prize.
December 18, 2024
Please note, with the recently resolved postal strike, there may be significant backlogs in mailing. We are strongly suggesting that you either purchase memberships in person at the Home Hardware, R & RH Outfitters, Cache Creek Machine shop, or online at the website.
December 18, 2024
Notice to all SCSA Members:
As you may know, Wayne, who was the club president, passed away a short time ago. Bill Forsyth who was the club Vice President declined to carry on in that position due to personal reasons. The role of president has been assumed by Ken Brown and the role of vice president has been assumed by Reni Lind, until the AGM in February at which time all executive and all director roles will be voted on. Any questions can be directed to Ken at 250 453 9415 or Reni at 250 457 7327.
August 30, 2024
11th Annual Blackpowder Shoot
Desert Rendezvous
Please note the pistol, rifle, and shotgun ranges will be closed for the following event:
Volunteers required to setup Black Powder course for the 11th Annual Thanksgiving Blackpowder Shoot on Oct. 11th to 14th. If you can contribute a couple of hours of your time to make this possible, we'd really appreciate it. Contact Ken Brown at 250-453-9415. Ken is available most days so can accommodate your schedule.
SCSA 11TH Annual Black Powder Desert Rendezvous starts on Friday, Oct 11th and finishes on Monday, Oct 14th. A warm welcome to all black powder enthusiasts from across the Province and Western Canada.
To All Our Members....All Ranges will be closed to host the Black Powder Rendezvous. You are welcome to attend and view the competitions.
Events : Rifle Trail - Hawk & Knife -Archery Trail - Pistol Trail - Shotgun Trap -
On Sunday afternoon we have Rifle Cartridge B/P (Quigley Long Shoot) & Muzzeloader (Quigley Long Shoot) this is open for Men & Women in their own classes.
There are awards for:
Men events 1st - 2nd - 3rd
Ladies events 1st - 2nd - 3rd
Youth events 1st - 2nd - 3rd
At the end of Sunday total scores are added up for:
Plus the JIM MOON Most Sportsmen Award voted on by the participants only.

April 30, 2024
Reliable Gun Presents Spring Sharp Shooters - Cache Creek 2024 BCPRL open
Match starts: May 26, 2024 @ 9:00 AM · Match ends: May 26, 2024 @ 5:00 PM
Reliable Gun
Pristine Actions
Go Big Tactical
205 Patterson Rd
Cache Creek, BC V0K1H0
Welcome to the second annual Spring Sharp Shooters Match in Cache Creek BC! Shooters, please take a moment to read through this. Some very good info on what to expect!
South Cariboo Sportsmen Association, just outside of Cache Creek, BC! Cache Creek Gun Club offers shooters multiple shooting locations, multiple shooting props and targets ranging between 25 and 400 m!
This is a one day, precision rifle match hosted by the BC Precision Rifle League and will challenge shooters of all skill levels. The match will be a pretty up-tempo match, lots of shooting, and will be both physically and mentally demanding.
Most stages will have some sort of stress involved. Either timed or varying target sizes. There will be many different barricades and natural terrain to navigate through while shooting the match as well. Come prepared! It is not supposed to be super easy. Again, Come Prepared and be ready to have a great time!!
We strive to have minimal down time.
Shooters can expect ranges of 1 yard to 500 yards. Many targets will be in the 200-300 range.
REFUNDS WILL NOT BE ISSUESD FOR THIS MATCH FOR ANY REASON. If you sign up and cannot make it, sell your spot to another shooter and email bcprecisionrifle@gmail.com to let us know of the switch.
Calibers for the match will be 308 Win and under for rifle. No magnum calibers allowed.
Round count will be +/- 80 rifle if you get all your shots off. Bring Extra for Re-zero, reshoots, practice after the match, etc.
Muzzle velocity for your match rifle at 3200 FPS or under. You will be required to carry all your gear with you all day. And there will be some hiking so pack accordingly. If anyone needs extra accommodation please don’t hesitate to ask.
It’s potentially going to be hot, and sunny. Come with the sun protection you need to be comfortable.
We will have 8 stages over the course of the day for you guys. It's going to be a blast. We have been working our butts off in the hopes you all have a good time. I think you will.
Friday— Range setup, verification and possible shooting. If you are able to volunteer a day or even an afternoon to help out, please let me know as this setup usually runs longer than I anticipate. If you are able to come out, I will repay you with a BBQ'ed meal and some drinks on Friday night!
Friday Zero range open, targets out to distance available to all shooters as well. Roughly 5pm-dark
Saturday - 8 stages, Safety brief at 0900, rounds down range at 0930. Providing all runs smoothly and there are no target failures, we'll be done around 1500 - 1600.
Saturday Night: 1800, 20$ steak dinner at range (must pre order, click the box when registering!) 22lr 100m Dueling tree match 5$ buy in at match!
Registration link: https://practiscore.com/reliable-gun-presents-spring-sharp-shooters-cache-creek-2024/register

April 30, 2024
Reliable Gun Presents Spring Rimfire Hunter - Cache Creek 2024 BCPRL open
Match starts: May 25, 2024 @ 9:00 AM · Match ends: May 25, 2024 @ 5:00 PM
Reliable Gun
Pristine Actions
Go Big Tactical
South Cariboo Sportsmen Association, Cache Creek, BC
205 Patterson Rd
Cache Creek, BC V0K1H0
South Cariboo Sportsmen Association, just outside of Cache Creek, BC! Cache Creek Gun Club offers
shooters multiple shooting locations, multiple shooting props and targets ranging between 25 and 400m!
This will be a 22 Hunter style match. 22lr only!
Be prepared for a roughly 1km walk. You will have to find, range and engage your targets on the clock for
all 8 stages with no outside help. Equipment sharing is ok in the staging area, but only with one other
person to keep the match moving, youth and new shooter can have help on the line but only from some
who has already shot the stage!
Estimated round count: 150 rounds maximum
This is a one day, precision rifle match hosted by the BC Precision Rifle league and will challenge shooters
of all skill levels. The match will be a pretty up-tempo match, lots of shooting, and will be both physically
and mentally demanding. Most stages will have some sort of stress involved; either timed or varying
target sizes. There will be many different barricades and natural terrain to navigate through while
shooting the match as well. Come prepared! It is not supposed to be super easy. Again, Come Prepared
and be ready to have a great time!! We strive to have minimal down time.
Sunday - Range open at 8 am for zeroing/speed gathering. Safety brief at 0900, rounds down range at
0930. Providing all runs smoothly and there are minimal target failures, we'll be done around 1300 -
Awards will be held outside to social distance, and to stay away from confined spaces, it will all be
outside. Please come prepared for that as well.
Waters will be provided all weekend. Food and snacks are up to the match directors discretion, so pack
accordingly for a day out.
Squading/scoring - We will be doing scoring via Practiscore.
View Squadding
Long Range Rifle match
Registration link: https://practiscore.com/reliable-gun-presents-spring-rimfire-hunter-cache-creek-2024/register
March 26, 2024
Precision Rimfire starts Wednesday April 3rd @ 5:00 pm. and shoot til Dusk. The range is closed from 5:00 onwards on Wednesdays.
Archery Season starts Monday April 1st at 5:00 pm.
Phone Anita at 250-457-1731 so she can meet you at the range and setup targets.
Starting April 4th - Black Powder will now happen on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 onwards located at the upper range at Club House.
For every 3 hours that you volunteer to do some work up at the ranges, you will receive (1) entry to win a CZ 457 THUMBHOLE LAMINATE BOLT ACTION 20″ Barrel in .22 Caliber with compensator and Bushnell Legend Illuminated 3-9x40 Scope, rings and rail included $1400 value.
March 4, 2024
Firearms Rights and Freedoms
This website has some excellent information about our rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. Please check them out and stay informed! https://firearmrights.ca/
Also, an informative video about the political aspects of the recent firearms laws: https://fb.watch/qoyWsAhcz-/?mibextid=6aamW6
May 9, 2023
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 31st @ 6:00 pm in the HUB Gym, 711 Hill St, Ashcroft, BC.
1) All club members are invited to attend. You must have your 2023 membership card to attend and vote at the meeting.
2) Agenda:
a) Meeting called to order
b) Secretary to read the minutes of the 2022 AGM, motion to adopt and vote to accept
c) Directors Reports:
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Rifle
- Pistol
- Blackpowder
- Trap
- Archery
- Publicity
- President
d) Questions by members regarding reports
f) 2022 Annual Financial Statement presented, motion to accept and vote
g) Election of Officers and Directors
3) Meeting adjourned - Motion, 2nd, vote.
July 28, 2022
By undertaking a voluntary shut down, we are allowed to continue operating our pistol, rifle and archery (when it comes onboard) ranges even though our compliance requirements for approval will likely carry us into 2023. We cannot however use shotguns on any of our ranges as of this date.
We will need to relocate our trap buildings (not our club house) to create safe zones within our property and are in current negotiations with Belkorp to allow that to happen. The approval for all of this to happens also involves a B.C. government ministry, and 3 other parties as they relate to our property and surrounding area i.e. Ashcroft Ranch, etc. and most of the stake holders have informed us that this will take all of 2022 and may well run into 2023.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and continued support of our range and the directors that volunteer their time to run the club. We will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf to improve our club, to obtain certification and to create a safe environment for our members and secure safe shooting zones surrounding our property. We are also meeting with 3rd parties to discussion expansion of our range beyond our current boundaries which would also secure long-term viability for this range and the communities it serves which are mainly Cache Creek and Ashcroft. As we progress with many of the above items we will keep you abreast of ongoing improvements and approvals.
Follow our journey on our Instagram feed below

May 29, 2022
National Rifle League event was very successful! Video from the event!
The previous raffle is completely sold out, draw date is August 1st. Our 4th Raffle has begun. Get tickets quick!