Sept 9, 2023
Monday - Archery 5:00 pm onwards (phone Anita to confirm 250-457-1731)
Archery has really taken off with as many as 13+ shooters attending on Mondays. Again to confirm the range will host on Mondays call Anita at 250-457-1731.
The club has been supplying bows and arrows however approx. 15 arrows/week are being broken at a cost of $15/arrow. We cannot sustain this cost. So moving forward the arrows will be rented to you for $15/3 arrows each Monday. When you return the arrows after you have finished archery practice the $15 will be returned to you.
Better yet I understand you can buy arrows and points for much less money and just bring your own arrows. Anita can help you out on what length of arrow and points you require and where best to get them on Amazon.
Lots of big news coming in 2022 for fans of Archery!
A new archery range has been approved by the executive at the most recent executive meeting in November 2020.
Coming in 2021 will be the construction of covered targets from 10 - 60 yards in 10 yard increments. Barry Lowe is heading this up, if you'd like to get involved get in touch with Barry.